Device Management:
As Medfield transitions to Bring Your Own iPad/ Device model at the 8th and 9th grade,
families will have to learn how to manage their child's usage, responsibility, and safety/security. This page will address your needs as a family with suggestions and tips.
Apple offers parental restriction settings on their devices. Please read the following links to learn how you can manage and control passwords, downloads, privacy and content for your child.
The iPad and Parent Engagement
Apple's IOS: Understanding Restrictions (Parental Controls)
Using Parent Controls through iTunes
How to Use Restrictions as Parent Controls on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
Other suggestions involve family discussions in establishing rules or a 'contract in device usage and understanding how to and where to find appropriate apps and content.
Good Digital Parenting
Google's Guide to Staying Safe Online
Customizable Family Media Agreements (by Common Sense Media)
Creating a Family Media Agreement-How to have the Conversation (Edutopia article)
5 Quick Tips for Parents
Userful iTunes Tips for Parents and Teachers
Parent Strategies of Children with iPads
As Medfield transitions to Bring Your Own iPad/ Device model at the 8th and 9th grade,
families will have to learn how to manage their child's usage, responsibility, and safety/security. This page will address your needs as a family with suggestions and tips.
Apple offers parental restriction settings on their devices. Please read the following links to learn how you can manage and control passwords, downloads, privacy and content for your child.
The iPad and Parent Engagement
Apple's IOS: Understanding Restrictions (Parental Controls)
Using Parent Controls through iTunes
How to Use Restrictions as Parent Controls on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
Other suggestions involve family discussions in establishing rules or a 'contract in device usage and understanding how to and where to find appropriate apps and content.
Good Digital Parenting
Google's Guide to Staying Safe Online
Customizable Family Media Agreements (by Common Sense Media)
Creating a Family Media Agreement-How to have the Conversation (Edutopia article)
5 Quick Tips for Parents
Userful iTunes Tips for Parents and Teachers
Parent Strategies of Children with iPads