October is Connected Educator's Month.... but what about including how we as educators can connect with our students too? At Blake MS, we launched a new blog called CaptureBlake. The idea behind it is to take advantage of everyone's access to a mobile camera & use it to capture life as a Blaker! It works like this..students & staff receive a daily email with the photo prompt for that day.
Here is our Photo Challenge List for October!
(Shoutout to 8th Graders Tatum and Anna for their contributions to the List!)
Of course, there are a few basic rules:
- You can take pictures of yourself, pets or your family, objects, scenery or draw /create your own image. Think about using fun photo apps to add filters, make a collage, add stamps and text,cartoons, etc.
- This should be your own work and not a copyrighted image from the internet.
- Your photo should be school appropriate.
- You can submit only one photo per day.
Students and staff submit their photos to an email address that posts directly to the CaptureBlake blog as a draft. They include the name of the day's photo challenge, a title and their first name /grade. With the blogger app on my iPad, it makes the process easy to approve and publish the photo entries as they come in!
Hoping there will be a growing- interest as everyone becomes more familiar with this new project and just think, we'll have a photo album of the year by June!
**My Favorite free Photo Editing Apps:
Photo Editor by Aviary
*FYI: Many free photo apps have in-app purchasing for additional features or are ad-supported until you upgrade.
The above pics were created on the computer w/ picmonkey.com and canva.com
Feel free to leave the name of your favorite photo apps in the comments below.
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