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In the Spotlight

There's so many innovative and creative ideas happening in Medfield's classrooms that it's hard to keep up these days.  In this post, I wanted to spotlight a couple of those teachers who are making a difference.

First, we're very honored to be featured in one of Edudemic's recent blog posts on How to Start Using Augmented Reality in the Classroom- big thanks to Beth Holland @brholland!

Our 6th grade Science Ts, Marjorie Heim, Gina Muscatell and Kelly Dengos collaborated across cluster to create an engaging & interactive learning experience for students using AR on the Nexus 10 devices. AR has also made it's way into  Cynthia McClelland's 8th Social Studies Classroom in connecting images with content- multimedia style as an alternative way to consume/learn information. Go ahead & check out the article by clicking on the image!

Next up in the spotlight is Kristen Manning, one of our World Language Ts who is off traveling and 
experiencing Madrid, Spain as we speak! A BIG part of her travels is to record and collect authentic images, audio and video to then create Medfield's own Spanish digital curriculum.  You can follow her adventures on her blog that also incorporates her Daily Audio Boo Phrase of the Day so you can learn spanish too!  Check out her blog by clicking on the image below.

Our last spotlight comes from another World Language T, Susie Boulos!  Over the February break, she was involved in an amazing program. The website she created highlights the Quest Student Leadership program, which takes students on 3 distinct overseas service/mission trips every February. The blogs are used as updates for families and friends while the students travel to their distinct locations. Also, families and friends use them to send messages (comments) to their students while they travel. Please visit the Quest blog by clicking on the image below.

While this is only a start... it gives you a glimpse into how technology is opening the doors to  imagination, creation, exploration and simply sharing with the rest of us! Definitely stay tuned for more...

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